
What is Civitas?

Civitas is DRM's proprietary risk management information system. Registered Civitas users can access real-time claim data, loss control information, and other features uniquely suited to their entity's operations through a secure, web-based portal created and maintained by DRM. In addition, volunteer coordinators at Virginia's free clinics and federally qualified health centers can use Civitas to register new volunteer health care providers with DRM as well as update registration information for their existing volunteers.

Who can use Civitas?

Access to Civitas is available only to users approved and authorized by DRM. Criteria include, but are not limited to:

  • Authorized employees of state agencies
  • Constitutional officers, regional jail superintendents, and their authorized employees
  • Authorized employees of participating political subdivisions
  • Volunteer coordinators for Virginia's free clinics
  • Volunteer drivers for qualified nonprofit organizations

How do I request access?

To get access to Civitas a member of your agency's management staff must email the access request to  Please include the new user's name, the agency name as well as member code, and contact information for the requesting manager.  DRM will begin the process of establishing access to Civitas upon receipt of the email request. 


Contact Civitas.